Starsport HD

By: Hastings Wadza Kasonga Jr.

Former Flames hitman, Esau Kanyenda has reacted to Nyasa Big Bullets' top of the table sitting saying it will be hard to displace them on the summit.

Kanyenda wrote on his Facebook account a day after the Bullets dislodged Blue Eagles on top thanks to a 1-0 win over Dedza Dynamos at Balaka Stadium on Wednesday.

The former Nomads forward believes Bullets are back to where they belong and teams will sweat to take them down.

"It is too early for Nyasa Big Bullets to be in driving seat. It will take miles for teams to displace them." Wrote Black mamba.

Meanwhile, an online Sports reporter at Timveni radio, Richard Tiyesi believes the people's team will have an easy season this year. He says Bullets have already played rivals in the title race such as Mighty Wanderers and Blue Eagles and Silver Strikers is the only remaining side to compete.

"Mind you, the team like Wanderers, Blue Eagles, and Silver, have not played each other so far. They will be stopping each other, a chance for Bullets to be going further and further." Tiyesi wrote on Timveni's Online page.

Bullets' next assignment is on 17th April as they host 15th placed Mafco FC at Kamuzu Stadium. They are tied with Blue Eagles on 10 points each after four games.



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