Starsport HD

By Siphodihno Malewa

It was a day to remember for Kamuzu Barracks women and men's handball team's as they were all crowned champions of the first-ever Southern Region Handball tournament at Kamuzu Stadium outside court.

KB men's saw off fellow Lilongwe handball outfit Capital Hill by 16 goals to 10 while KB women handed Cobbe the defeat in an interesting finale.

Veteran Samson Dulana who doubles as KB and Malawi National handball coach attributed the win to hard work and team spirit.

"My boys and ladies played with composure as you could see some excellent display but I should also salute all counterparts throughout the tournament for their fighting spirit," said Dulana.

On his part, Capital Hill captain Chifundo Banda accepted defeat and said they were playing against a well-experienced side but praised his fellow players for a gallant fight.

It was a big game and at some point, our coordination was not all that good but I should thank the players for fighting tooth and nail till the final whistle" said Banda.

Cobbe women's captain Loveness Kaipa said they will go back to the drawing board to rectify some of the weaknesses.

"The play was good and the ladies were in form but we lacked the killer punch and we need to correct some few mistakes that cost us the game," said Kaipa.

However, Kaipa said the players are let down since they play without gaining anything.

"It is high time that handball should be taken as a serious sport and there is a need for players to be earning something as part of motivation," Kaipa said.

KB handball team general secretary Nash Chido Nyamutara said they aim to shine not only in Malawi but also outside the country.

"Through these two sides (men's and women's) we want to lift the country's flag as we are ready to conquer in club competitions across the globe and mainly in the SADC region" 

"We would also want to produce professionals who will be showing their skills for other clubs outside the country," said Nyamutara.

On the host side, Southern Region Handball Committee Chairperson Pastor Victor Malabanya who is also a handball coach was full of praise for the tournament.

"It was a well-organized event and let me take this opportunity to thank all the participating teams for a good and wonderful performance," Malabanya said.

Malawi Olympic Committee (M.O.C) was represented by Kennie Dzekedzeke who graced the occasion and said they are happy with the way the game of handball is being played in the country and called upon sponsors to promote the sport.

For so long, the game has not been active but now, it has been revived with the coming in of the Lilongwe district handball committee headed by Brian Khembo and also through veteran coach Samson Dulana who is on the mission to train more handball coaches as one way of promoting the sport.

It is now evident that through such efforts, the game of handball is now gaining ground since it was introduced in the country some twenty-two years ago.

The sport of handball is now gaining ground since it's it was introduced some twenty-two years ago.



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