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CAF President Dr. Patrice Motsepe will be in Mozambique’s capital, Maputo for the launch and kick-off event of the CAF African Schools Programme on Tuesday, 26 April 2022. 

In the morning of Tuesday, 26 April 2022, President Motsepe, together with Mozambique Football Association President Feizal Sidat and CAF General Secretary, Veron Mosengo-Omba will travel to Pemba, Cabo Delgado North of Mozambique to visit a refugee camp where CAF will be donating football equipment at a refugee camp. 

In the afternoon, the CAF President will officiate over the kick-off event in Costa do Sol Stadium in Maputo together with football leaders from the COSAFA region, Mozambique Government and Mozambique football leadership. 

The event in Mozambique is a historic milestone in the journey of the first of its kind schools football programme and movement in Africa. 

The African Schools Programme is a CAF development project that will exploit the opportunities within football to holistically develop young African boys and girls.

More details of the Championships and the programmes that will be unpacked at the launch. 

CAF will release details of the CAF President’s visit and the launch/kick-off event in due course.




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